Advanced Defender is another fake anti-spyware program that is created to trick people and rip them off. The program is promoted through spyware infections that are able to infect computer completely secretly. Once inside, Advanced Defender protects itself from being removed by blocking your legitimate anti-virus and ceasing your executables. When you try to launch any of your executables you will see the message stating that the program is infected by worm that is trying to steal your credit card details. Another annoying thing while Advanced Defender is running is the endless display of pop ups and security alerts that propose you registering your copy of Advanced Defender in order to protect your system from spyware infections. The program also runs its fake scanner that supposedly detects infections and again recommends removing them with a help of Advanced Defender software. In reality Advanced Defender is not able to detect or delete any of infections. It creates files such as c:\WINDOWS\certofsystem.exe, c:\WINDOWS\explorers.exe, c:\WINDOWS\microsoftdefend.dll, etc. and states them to be infections. These files are not harmful at all, so don’t bother yourself to get rid of them. The only real infection is Advanced Defender itself. Make sure to remove it once you notice it on your computer. You can follow the removal guide of Advanced Defender that we provide below to get rid of it manually or with a reputable anti-spyware program.
NOTE! manual removal of Advanced Defender might be dangerous if not performed carefully. We recommend using an automatic remover -Spyware doctor which decreases risk of harming your PC.
Free manual removal instructions
NOTE! You need to have a lot of computer kmowledge to remove spyware properly from your personal computer. Main things you have to know is:
1. How to STOP running proccesses 2. How to unregister DLLs 3. How to remove files and Registry entries Stop Advanced Defender processes:Unregister Advanced Defender Dlls:Remove Advanced Defender files:Remove Advanced Defender registry entries:
NOTE! manual removal of Advanced Defender might be dangerous if not performed carefully. We recommend using an automatic remover -Spyware doctor which decreases risk of harming your PC.